Workshop at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences

Hauke organized a one-day workshop on „Mantle Dynamics and Deep Earth Material Cycles“ that took place in Munich on November, 20th and was funded by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Link). The idea of the workshop was to bring together scientists with different backgounds (experiments, modelling, geophysics) in an informal environment to discuss about current concepts of mantle flow and foster future interdisciplinary collaborations. The flyer to advertize the workshop can be found here (pdf), some impressions can be found below the program.

The program was as follows:

9.30 – 9.45:        Introduction (Dr. Hauke Marquardt, BGI Bayreuth)

9.45 – 10.15:      Seismic imaging of mantle convection (Dr. Stephanie Durand, Universität Münster)

10.15 – 10.45:    The Seismic Signature of High-resolution Mantle Circulation Models (Dr. Bernhard Schuberth, LMU München)

10.45 – 11.15:    Coffee Break

11.15 – 11.45: The preservation of large-scale heterogeneity in Earth’s mantle (Dr. Maxim Ballmer, ETH Zürich)

11.45 – 12.15:    Mineral scale modelling of two-phase deformation (Dr. Marcel Thielmann, BGI Bayreuth)

12.15 – 14.15:    Lunch Break

14.15 – 14.45:    Deformation of lower mantle phases and analogs (Prof. Lowell Miyagi, University of Utah)

14.45 – 15.00:    Experimental deformation of (Mg,Fe)O at lower mantle P/T-conditions (Julia Immoor, BGI Bayreuth)

15.00 – 15.30:    Experiments and EVPSC on two-phase aggregates (Dr. Nadege Hilairet, Université Lille)

15.30 – 16.00:    Coffee Break

16.00 – 16.15:    Three-axis presses: The path towards higher pressure, lower strain rates, and larger volumes (Dr. Nicolas Walte, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum München)

16.15 – 16.30:    Role of grain boundaries for mantle deformation (Filippe Ferreira, BGI Bayreuth)

16.30 – 16.45:    Seismic structure imaged with off plane signals and its implications to mantle dynamics (Lina Schumacher, Universität Münster)

16.45 – 17.00:    Discussion, Farewell