Almost all GeoMaX group members attended the GeoBerlin Meeting „Dynamic Earth“ that was held at the Free University in Berlin from October 4th-7th.
Johannes and Kirsten talked about their recent work on the „Elastic anisotropy of wadsleyite“ and „The effect of iron content and hydration on the high-pressure single-crystal elasticity of ringwoodite derived from an internally consistent approach“, respectively in the session „A4-03 Properties of Earth Materials and Constraints on Mantle Flow“ (Hauke Marquardt, Robert Farla, Patrick Cordier).
Hauke presented work on „Deformation of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase at high-pressures and high-temperatures and slab stagnation in the shallow lower mantle“ and a follow-up study on „The response of subducting slabs to a strength increase in the shallow lower constrained by numerical modelling“. In addition, Alex showed a poster about „The effect of iron and aluminium incorporation on the single-crystal elasticity of bridgmanite at high pressure“.