
Book Chapters:

Marquardt, H.; Ballmer, M.; Cottaar, S.; Konter, J. (2021): Preface to “Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions”, AGU Monograph DOI: 10.1002/9781119528609.

Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Duffy, T. S. (2014): Brillouin Scattering in Geosciences. In Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 78: Spectroscopy and characterization techniques in mineralogy and materials science. Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), 543-603. (Link)

Peer-reviewed Articles (*and # denote supervised students and postdocs

56. Trautner#, S. Stackhouse, A. Turner, P. Koelemeijer, R. Davies, A. San José Méndez#, N. Satta#, A. Kurnosov, H.-P. Liermann, and H. Marquardt (2023): Compressibility of ferropericlase at high-temperature: evidence for the iron spin crossover in seismic tomography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 618: 118296

55. Wang#, J. Buchen#, A. San José Méndez#, A. Kurnosov, G. Criniti, H.-P. Liermann, and H. Marquardt (2023): Strong Effect of Stress on the Seismic Signature of Post-Stishovite Phase Transition in the Earth’s Lower mantle, Geophysical Research Letters 50(10): e2023GL102740.

54. Nicolas Jaisle, David Cébron, Zuzana Konôpková, Rachel J Husband, Clemens Prescher, Cornelius Strohm, Hanns-Peter Liermann, Orianna B Ball, R Stewart McWilliams, Alexander F Goncharov, Malcolm I McMahon, Zhongyan Wu, Valerio Cerantola, Lars Ehm, Khachiwan Buakor, Guillaume Fiquet, Eric Edmund, Karen Appel, J.D. McHardy, M. Nakatsutsumi, A. Dwivedi, Johannes Kaa, Ulf Zastrau, Edward J. Pace, Zsolt Jenei, Hyunchae Cynn, Hyunchae Cynn, Earl Francis O’Bannon, Daniel T. Sneed, B.T. Sturtevant, S. C. Cooper, Madison Anae, H-J. Hwang, T.-H. Kim, J.-H. Choi, J.-M. Lee, Jungwoo Lee, J-Y. Kim, Z. Wu, Hyunchae Cynn, Carsten Baehtz, J. Biswas,3 Egor Koemets#, Johannes Buchen#, Hauke Marquardt, Sébastien Merkel, Marzena Anna Baron, Julien Chantel, Vitali Prakapenka, Stella Chariton, Elena Shevchenko, Angelika Rosa, Mohamed Mezouar, Gaston Garbarino, and Guillaume Morard (2023): Reproducing and interpreting MHz Free Electron Laser X-ray Diffraction experiments by Finite Element Modeling, Journal of Applied Physics, in press

53. B. Ball, C. Prescher, K. Appel, C. Baehtz, M.A. Baron, R. Briggs, V. Cerantola, J. Chantel, A.L. Coleman, H. Cynn, D. Dattelbaum, L.E. Dresselhaus-Marais, J.H. Eggert, L. Ehm, W.J. Evans, G. Fiquet, M. Frost, K. Glazyrin, A.F. Goncharov, R.J. Husband, H. Hwang, Zs. Jenei, J-Y. Kim, Y. Lee, H.P. Liermann, J. Mainberger, M. Makita, H. Marquardt, E.E. McBride, J.D. McHardy, M.I. McMahon, S. Merkel, G. Morard, E.F. O’Bannon III, C. Otzen, E.J. Pace, A. Pelka, C.M. Pepin, J.S. Pigott, C. Plueckthun, V.B. Prakapenka, R. Redmer, S. Speziale, G. Spiekermann, C. Strohm, B.T. Sturtevant, L. Wollenweber, U. Zastrau, R.S. McWilliams, Z. Konopkova (2023): Dynamic Optical Spectroscopy and Pyrometry under Optical and X-ray Laser Heating at European XFEL, Journal of Applied Physics, in press

52. Rachel J. Husband, Cornelius Strohm, Karen Appel, Orianna B. Ball, Jon Belof, Richard Briggs, Johannes Buchen#, Valerio Cerantola, Julien Chantel, Stella Chariton, Amy L. Coleman, Hyunchae Cynn, Dana Dattelbaum, Anand Dwivedi, Jon H. Eggert, Lars Ehm, William J. Evans, Martin French, Konstantin Glazyrin, Alex Goncharov, Martin Gorman, Heinz Graafsma, Stefan Hau-Riege, Alex Howard, Larissa Huston, Trevor Hutchinson, Huijeong Hwang, Amy Jenei, Johannes Kaa, Jaeyong Kim, Minseob Kim, Egor Koemets#, Zuzana Konôpková, Falko Langenhorst, Torsten Laurus, Yongjae Lee, Xinyang Li, Paul Loubeyre, Jona Mainberger, Hauke Marquardt, Emma E. McBride, Christopher McGuire, James D. McHardy, Malcolm I. McMahon, R. Stewart McWilliams, Alba S. J. Mendéz, Sébastien Merkel, Anshuman Mondal, Guillaume Morard, Earl F. O’Bannon, Christoph Otzen, Charles M. Pépin, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Thomas Preston, Ronald Redmer, Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Dean Smith, Ray Smith, Daniel Sneed, Maddury Somayazulu, Sergio Speziale, Tobias Spitzbart, Stephan Stern, Blake T. Sturtevant, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Peter Talkovski, Nenad Velisavljevic, Cara Vennari, Zhongyan Wu, Choong-Shik Yoo, Ulf Zastrau, Zsolt Jenei, Hanns-Peter Liermann (2023): A MHz X-ray diffraction set-up for dynamic compression experiments in the diamond anvil cell, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 30(4): 671-685

51. Rijal, L. Cobden, J. Trampert, H. Marquardt, J. M. Jackson (2023): Shear properties of MgO inferred using neural networks, European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 45-58.

50. S.J. Méndez#, S. Stackhouse, V. Trautner#, B. Wang#, N. Satta#, A. Kurnosov, R. Husband, K. Glazyrin, H.P. Liermann, and H. Marquardt (2022): ‘Broad elastic softening of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase across the iron spin crossover and a mixed-spin lower mantle’, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB023832.

49. Satta#, L.F. Grafulha Morales, G. Criniti, A. Kurnosov, T. Boffa Ballaran, S. Speziale, K. Marquardt, G.C. Capitani, and H. Marquardt, (2022) ‘Single-Crystal Elasticity of Antigorite at High Pressures and Seismic Detection of Serpentinized Slabs’, Geophysical Research Letters 49(16), e2022GL099411.

48. Immoor#, J.; Miyagi, L.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.; Liermann, H.-P.; Marquardt, H. (2022): Weak cubic CaSiO3 perovskite in Earth’s mantle. Nature, 603, 276-279.

47. Satta#, N.; Miyahara, M.; Ozawa, S.; Marquardt, H.; Nishiyama, M.; Arai, T.; Ohtani, E. (2022): Apollo 15 regolith breccia provides first natural evidence for olivine incongruent melting. American Mineralogist, 107 (9), 1661-1667.

46. Satta#, N., G. Criniti, A. Kurnosov, T. Boffa Ballaran, T. Ishii, Marquardt, H. (2021). High-Pressure Elasticity of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH Single Crystals and Seismic Detectability of Hydrous MORB in the Shallow Lower Mantle. Geophysical Research Letters 48(23): e2021GL094185.

45. Liermann, H. P., Z. Konopkova, K. Appel, C. Prescher, A. Schropp, V. Cerantola, R. J. Husband, J. D. McHardy, M. I. McMahon, R. S. McWilliams, C. M. Pepin, J. Mainberger, M. Roeper, A. Berghauser, H. Damker, P. Talkovski, M. Foese, N. Kujala, O. B. Ball, M. A. Baron, R. Briggs, M. Bykov, E. Bykova, J. Chantel, A. L. Coleman, H. Cynn, D. Dattelbaum, L. E. Dresselhaus-Marais, J. H. Eggert, L. Ehm, W. J. Evans, G. Fiquet, M. Frost, K. Glazyrin, A. F. Goncharov, H. Hwang, Z. Jenei, J.-Y. Kim, F. Langenhorst, Y. Lee, M. Makita, Marquardt, E. E. McBride, S. Merkel, G. Morard, E. F. O’Bannon, III, C. Otzen, E. J. Pace, A. Pelka, J. S. Pigott, V. B. Prakapenka, R. Redmer, C. Sanchez-Valle, M. Schoelmerich, S. Speziale, G. Spiekermann, B. T. Sturtevant, S. Toleikis, N. Velisavljevic, M. Wilke, C.-S. Yoo, C. Baehtz, U. Zastrau and C. Strohm (2021): Novel experimental setup for megahertz X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell at the High Energy Density (HED) instrument of the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (EuXFEL). Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28(3): 688-706.

44. Hwang; T. Kim; H. Cynn; T. Vogt; R. Husband; K. Appel; C. Baehtz; O. Ball; M. Baron; R. Briggs; M. Bykov; E. Bykova; V. Cerantola; J. Chantel; A. Coleman; D. Dattlebaum; L. Dresselhaus-Marais; J. Eggert; L. Ehm; W. Evans; G. Fiquet; M. Frost; K. Glazyrin; A. Goncharov; Z. Jenei; J. Kim; Z. Konôpková; J. Mainberger; M. Makita; H. Marquardt; E. McBride; J. McHardy; S. Merkel; G. Morard; E. O’Bannon III; Ch. Otzen; E. Pace; A. Pelka; Ch. Pépin; J. Pigott; V. Prakapenka; C. Prescher; R. Redmer; S. Speziale; G. Spiekermann; C. Strohm; B. Sturtevant; N. Velisavljevic; M. Wilke; Ch.-S. Yoo; U. Zastrau; H.-P. Liermann; M. McMahon; R. S. McWilliams; Y. Lee (2021): XFEL-Induced Synthesis of ε-Iron Nitride at High Pressures. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12, 3246-3252. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c00150Mendéz#, A.; Trybel, F.; Husband, R.; Steinle-Neumann, G.; Liermann, H.-P.; Marquardt, H. (2021): Bulk modulus of H2O across the ice VII – ice X transition measured by time-resolved X-ray diffraction in dynamic Diamond Anvil Cell experiments. Physical Review B, 103, 064104.

43. Couper, S.; Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Liermann, H.-P.; Miyagi, L. (2020): Experimental Evidence for Heterogeneous Strain as a Control on Seismic Anisotropy in Earth’s Lower Mantle. Frontiers in Geophysics, 8, 427.

42. Mendéz*, A.; Marquardt, H.; Husband, R.; Schwark, I.; Mainberger, J.; Glazyrin, K.; Kurnosov, A.; Otzen, C.; Satta*, N.; Bednarcik, J.; Liermann, H.-P. (2020): A resistively-heated dynamic diamond anvil cell (RHdDAC) for fast compression x-ray diffraction experiments at high temperatures. Review of Scientific Instruments, doi: 10.1063/5.0007557.

41. Marquardt, H.; Thomson, A. (2020): Experimental Elasticity of Earth’s Deep Mantle. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 9, 455-469.

40. Immoor*, J.; Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.; Liermann, H.-P. (2020): An improved setup for radial diffraction experiments at high pressures and high temperatures in a resistive graphite-heated DAC. Review of Scientific Instruments, 4, 045121.

39. Thielmann, M.; Golabek, G.: Marquardt, H. (2020): Ferropericlase control of lower mantle rheology: Impact of phase morphology. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(2), e2019GC008688.

38. Koemets*, I.; Satta, N.*; Kurnosov#, A.; Marquardt, H.; Kiseeva, E.S.; Stachel, Th.; Harris, J.W.; Dubrovinsky, L. (2020): Elastic properties of majoritic garnet inclusions in diamonds and the seismic signature of pyroxenites in Earth’s upper mantle. American Mineralogist, 105(7), 984–991.

37. Speziale, S.; Immoor*, J.; Ermakov, A.; Marquardt, H.; Liermann, H.-P. (2019): The equation of state of TaC0.99 by X-ray diffraction in radial scattering geometry to 32 GPa and 1073 K. Journal of Applied Physics, 126(10), 105107.

36. Satta*, N.; Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Buchen, J.; Kawazoe, T.; McCammon, C.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2019): Single-crystal elasticity of iron-bearing phase E by Brillouin spectroscopy and seismic detection of water in Earth’s upper mantle. American Mineralogist, 104(10), 1526.

35. Jenei, Zs.; Liermann, H.-P.; Husband, R.; Méndez*, A.S.J.; Pennicard, D.; Marquardt, H.; O’bannon, E.F.; Pakhomova, A.; Konopkova, Z.; Glazyrin, K.; Wendt, M.; Wenz, S.; McBride, E.E.; Morgenroth, W.; Winkler, B.; Rothkirch, A.; Hanfland, M.; Evans, W. (2019): New dynamic diamond anvil cells for tera-pascal per second fast compression x-ray diffraction experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, 065114. (Link)

34. Preston, T.R.; Appel, K.; Brambrink, E.; Chen, B.; Fletcher, L.B.; Fortmann-Grote, C.; Glenzer, S.H.; Granados, E.; Göde, S.; Konopkova, Z.; Lee, H.J.; Marquardt, H.; McBride, E.E.; Nagler, B.; Nakatsutsumi, M.; Sperling, P.; Witte, B.B.L.; Zastrau, U. (2019): Measurements of the momentum-dependence of plasmonic excitations in matter around 1 Mbar using an X-ray Free Electron Laser. Applied Physics Letters, 114, 014101, (Link)

33. Kurnosov, A.#; Marquardt, H.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Potapkin, V.# (2018): A waveguide-based flexible CO2 laser heating system for diamond-anvil cell applications. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, in press, (Link)

32. Kurnosov, A.#; Marquardt, H.; Frost, D.J.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Ziberna, L. (2018): Reply to Comment on „ Evidence for a Fe3+-rich pyrolitic lower mantle from (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite elasticity data“. Nature, 564, E27-E31. (Link)

31. Schulze, K.*; Pamato, M.G.; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Glazyrin, K.; Pakhomova, A.; Marquardt, H. (2018): High-pressure single-crystal structural analysis of AlSiO3OH Phase Egg. American Mineralogist, 103 (12), 1975-1980. (Link)

30. Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.*; Speziale, S.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Nishiyama, N.; Hanfland, M. (2018): Equation of state of polycrystalline stishovite across the tetragonal-orthorhombic phase transition, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2018JB015835. (Link)

29. Marquardt, H.; Buchen, J.*; Mendez, A.*; Kurnosov, A.#; Wendt, M.; Rothkirch, A.; Pennicard, D.; Liermann, H.-P. (2018): Elastic softening of (Mg0.8Fe0.2) O ferropericlase across the iron spin crossover measured at seismic frequencies, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2018GL077982. (Link). (selected as “Research Highlight” by DESY Synchrotron)

28. Schulze, K.*; Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; McCammon, C.; Koch-Müller, M.; Kurnosov, A.#; Marquardt, K. (2018): Seismically Invisible Water in Earth’s Transition Zone? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 498, 9-16. (Link)

27. Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kurnosov; A.#; Kawazoe, T. (2018): High-pressure single-crystal elasticity of wadsleyite and the seismic signature of water in the shallow transition zone. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 498, 77-87. (Link)

26. Immoor, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Lin, F.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.; Buchen, J.; Kurnosov, A.; Liermann, H.-P. (2018): Evidence for {100}<011> slip in ferropericlase in Earth’s lower mantle from high-pressure/high-temperature experiments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, 251-257. (Link)

  • work highlighted as “News and Highlights” by DESY (Link)

25. Lin, F.; Merkel, S.; Hilairet, N.; Marquardt, H.; Immoor, J.*; Tomé, C.; Miyagi, L.: Elasto-visco-plastic self-consistent (EVPSC) modeling of periclase deformation at high pressure. Submitted to Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 205902 (Link).

24. Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; McCammon, C.; Kawazoe, T. (2017): The equation of state of wadsleyite solid solutions: Constraining the effects of anisotropy and crystal chemistry. In press, American Mineralogist, 102 (12): 2494-2504 (Link).

23. Marquardt, K.; De Graef, M; Singh, S.; Marquardt, H.; Rosenthal, A.; Hiraga, T.; Koizumi, S. (2017): Quantitative electron backscatter diffraction data (EBSD) analyses using the dictionary indexing (DI) approach: overcoming indexing difficulties on geological materials. In press, American Mineralogist,102(9):1843-1855 (Link).

22. Schulze, K.*; Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, K.,Marquardt, H. (2017): Multi-sample loading technique for physical property measurements in the diamond-anvil cell. In press, High-Pressure Research, 37, 159-169(Link).

21. Nishiyama, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Ohfuji, H.; Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Taniguchi, T.; Kim, B.-N.; Yoshida, H.;  Masuno, A.; Bednarcik, J.; Kulik, E.; Ikuhara, Y.; Wakai, F.; Irifune, T. (2017): Transparent polycrystalline cubic silicon nitride. In press, Scientific Reports, 7, 44755 (Link).

20. Kurnosov#, A.; Marquardt, H.; Frost, D.J.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Ziberna, L. (2017): High-pressure single crystal elasticity measurements of Al-Fe-bridgmanite support a Fe3+-rich pyrolitic lower mantle. Nature, 543, 543-546 (Link).

19. Marquardt, K; Rohrer, G.; Rybacki, E.; Marquardt, H.; Lin, B. (2015): The most frequent interfaces in olivine aggregates: the GBCD and its importance for grain boundary related processes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 170, 1-17 (Link).

18. Kawazoe, T.; Buchen*, J.; Marquardt, H. (2015): Synthesis of large wadsleyite single crystals by solid-state recrystallization. American Mineralogist, 100, 2336-2339 (Link).

17. Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L. (2015): Slab stagnation in the shallow lower mantle linked to an increase in mantle viscosity. Nature Geoscience, 8, 311-314 (Link)

  • work highlighted in “News and Views” in Nature Geoscience (Link)
  • work highlighted as “Editor’s Choice” in Science (Link)
  • work highlighted as “Science Brief” by the Advanced Light Source (Link)

16. Mookherjee, M.; Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Jahn, S.; Wunder, B.; Koch-Müller, M.; Liermann, H.-P. (2015): Equation of state and elasticity of the 3.65 Å phase – a candidate cause of the seismic X-discontinuity. American Mineralogist, 100, 2199-2208 (Link).

15. Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Koch-Müller, M.; Marquardt, K.; Capitani, G. (2015): Structural insights and elasticity of single-crystal antigorite from high-pressure Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy measured in the (010) plane. American Mineralogist, 100, 1932-1939 (Link).

14. Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Gleason, A.; Sinogeikin, S.; Kantor, I.; Prakapenka, V. (2013): Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Solid Argon to 65 GPa and 700 K: Shear strength of argon at HP/HT. Journal of Applied Physics, 114: 093517. (Link)

13. Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Liermann, H.-P. (2013): Approaches to constrain single-crystal elastic constants from Brillouin scattering of polycrystalline samples. High-Pressure Research, 33: 607-621 (Link)

12. Lin, J.-F.; Speziale, S.; Mao, Z.; Marquardt, H. (2013): Effects of the electronic spin transitions of iron in lower-mantle minerals: implications to deep-mantle geophysics and geochemistry. Reviews in Geophysics, 51: 244-275 (Link)

11. Marquardt, H.; Waeselmann, N.; Wehber, M.; Angel, R.J.; Gospodinov, M.; Mihailova, B. (2013): High-pressure Brillouin scattering of single-crystal PbSc1/2Ta1/2O3 relaxor ferroelectric. Physical Review B, 87: 184113 (Link)

10. Marquardt, H.; Marquardt, K. (2012): Focused Ion Beam preparation and characterization of single-crystal samples for high-pressure experiments in the diamond-anvil cell. American Mineralogist, 97: 299-304 (Link, pdf)

9.  Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H.J.; Konopkova, Z.; Morgenroth, W.; Liermann, H.-P. (2011): The Effect of Crystallite Size and Stress Condition on the Equation of State of Nano-crystalline MgO. Journal of Applied Physics, 110: 113512-113515. (Link)

8. Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Marquardt, K.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Neusser, G.; Wenk, H.-R.; Jeanloz, R. (2011): Elastic Properties of MgO Nano-crystals and Grain Boundaries to High Pressures. Physical Review B, 84: 064131. (Link)

  • work selected as “Science Highlight” at HASYLAB, DESY Hamburg, 01/2012 (Link)

7. Weidenfeller, B.; Marquardt, H.; Razzaq, M.Y.; Anhalt, M.; Schilling, F.R.; Frormann, L. (2011): Thermal Properties of Polyurethane Shape Memory Polymer Filled With Magnetite Particles. Proceedings of AJTEC2011, 44050 (Link)

6. Gleason, A.; Marquardt, H.; Chen, B.; Speziale, S.; Wu, J.; Jeanloz, R. (2011): Anomalous sound velocities in polycrystalline MgO under non-hydrostatic compression. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L03304 (Link)

5. Cammarano, F.; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Tackley, P. (2010): Role of iron-spin transition in ferropericlase on seismic interpretation: A broad thermochemical transition in the mid mantle? Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L03308. (Link)

  • work highlighted as “Editor’s choice” in Science 327, 2010 (Link)

4. Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Garnero, E. J. (2009): Elastic Shear Anisotropy of Ferropericlase in Earth’s Lower Mantle. Science, 324, 224-226. (Link)

  • selected as “Science Highlight” in Diamond Light Source Annual Report 2009 (Link)

3. Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R. (2009): Single-crystal Elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O to 81.2 GPa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 345-352 (Link)

2. Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Jahn, S.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R. (2009): Single-crystal Elastic Properties of (Y,Yb)3Al5O12. Journal of Applied Physics, 106:093519 (Link)

1. Marquardt, H.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R. (2009): Thermal Diffusivity of Natural and Synthetic Garnet Solid Solution Series. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36, 107-118 (Link)


Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Morales, L.; Liermann; H.-P. (2013): Deformation structures in lower mantle assemblages. DESY HASYLAB annual report.

Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P.; Miyagi, L.; Marquardt, H. (2013): Texture analysis of binary mixtures of MgGeO3 and (Mg,Fe)O at in situ high pressure and temperature in the resistive-heated radial diamond anvil cell. DESY HASYLAB annual report.

Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P.; Marquardt, H.; Reichmann, H.J.; Wunder, B. (2013): The equation of state of the 3.65 Å phase, a potential carrier of hydrogen in subduction environments. DESY HASYLAB annual report.


Marquardt, H. (2018): Experimental Geophysics. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Bayreuth.

Münkler, L.; Marquardt, H. (2017): Vom Spezial- zum Interdiskurs: Zur Problematik der Aufarbeitung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse für die Öffentlichkeit. Akademie Aktuell, 02/2017, 21-26.

Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J., Marquardt, H. (2012): Die tiefe Erde im Labor. GFZ-Journal, Jahrgang 2, Heft 2, 50-55.

Marquardt, H. (2011), Reise in die Tiefe. GAIA Sonderveröffentlichung „Wissenschaft verstehen“, 1, 16-18.

Marquardt, H. (2009): Single-crystal elastic properties of geomaterisls. Promotionsschrift, Freie Universität Berlin.

Conference Abstracts (selection, *,# denote supervised students, postdocs):

Preston, T.R.; Sperling, P.; Appel, K.; Chen, B.; Fletcher, L.; Glenzer, S.H.; Göde, S.; Konopkova, Z.; Lee, H.J.; Marquardt, H.; McBride, E.E.; Nagler, B.; Nakatstsumi, M.; Witte, B.B.L.; Zastrau, U. (2018): High resolution measurement of the momentum-dependent plasmonic excitations at 1 Mbar matter, Plasma Physics Conference, European Physical Society, Prague.

San José Mendez, A.*; Marquardt, H.; Liermann, H.-P.; Buchen, J. (2018): Time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of the spin crossover of (MgFe)O under dynamic compression. EMPG 16, Clermont-Ferrand.

Satta, N.*; Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Buchen, J.*; McCammon, C.; Kawazoe, T.: Single-crystal elasticity of iron-rich phase E. EMPG 16, Clermont-Ferrand.

Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.*; Speziale, S.; Kurnosov, A.#; Chaudhari, A.*; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Nishiyama, N.: High-pressure elasticity of polycrystalline stishovite and seismic scattering in Earth’s lower mantle EMPG 16, Clermont-Ferrand.

Schulze, K.*; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Pamato, M.G.; Kurnosov, A.#; Glazyrin, K.; Marquardt, H.; Pakhomova, A. (2018): High pressure single-crystal structural analysis of AlSiO3OH phase egg, EMPG 16, Clermont-Ferrand.

Couper, S.; Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Liermann, H.-P.; Miyagi, L. (2018): Deformation of a lower mantle assemblage at high temperature, SSAP Symposium, Washington D.C.

Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.*; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T. (2018): Tracing Water in the Transition Zone: From Wadsleyite Single-Crystal Elasticity to Seismic Observables, EGU meeting, Vienna.

Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.*; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Nishiyama, N. (2018): Stiffer Than Expected: High-Pressure Elasticity of Polycrystalline Stishovite Questions Seismic Signature of Deep Silica, EGU meeting, Vienna.

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Frost, D.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Ziberna, L. (2017): High-pressure single-crystal elasticity measurements of Al-Fe-bridgmanite support a Fe3+-rich pyrolitic lower mantle. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11.-15.12.07.

Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Kawazoe, T.; Speziale, S.; Kurnosov, A.# (2017): How the 410-km discontinuity reflects mantle water content: Constraints from high-pressure experiments on wadsleyite single-crystal elasticity. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11.-15.12.07.

Schulze, K.*; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Kurnosov, A.#; Kawazoe, T.; Koch-Müller, M. (2017): Small Effect of Hydration on Elastic Wave Velocities of Ringwoodite in Earth’s Transition Zone. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11.-15.12.07.

Immoor, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Lin, F.; Speziale, S.; Merkel, S.; Buchen, J.*; Kurnosov, A.#; Liermann, H.-P. (2017): Experimental deformation of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase in a resistive-heated DAC at conditions of the Earth’s lower mantle. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11.-15.12.07.

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Frost, D.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Ziberna, L. (2017): High-pressure single-crystal elasticity measurements of Al-Fe-bridgmanite up to lower mantle pressures. High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, 24.-28.09.17 (invited).

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Dubrovinsky, L.; Potapkin, V.# (2017): A waveguide-based fexible CO2 laser heating system. High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, 24.-28.09.17.

Buchen, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Kurnosov, A.# (2017): High-pressure high-temperature single-crystal elasticity of iron-bearing wadsleyite: Reappraising the water sensitivity of seismic observables. High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, 24.-28.09.17.

Schulze, K.*; Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Koch-Müller, M.; Kurnosov#, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2017): The Effect of Hydration on the Elastic Properties of Ringwoodite at Transition Zone Pressures. High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, 24.-28.09.17.

Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.*; Kurnosov#, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Kawazoe, T.; Koch-Müller, M. (2017): Comparative Brillouin Spectroscopy Measurements Suggest that Water May be Seismically Invisible in Earth’s Transition Zone. Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, 13.-18.08.17. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2017: 2581 (invited).

Liermann, H.-P.; Jenei, Z.; Pakhomova, A.; San José*, A.; Konopkova, Z.; Marquardt, H.; Wendt, M.; Wenz, S.; Pennicard, D.; Rothkirch, A.; Morgenroth, W.; Evans, W. (2017): Fast diffraction in the dynamic driven diamond anvil cell employing pink beam and fast GaAs lambda detectors at the Extreme Conditions Beamline, PETRA III, DESY. AIRAPT 26, Beijing, 19.-24.08.17. Abstract P191.

Appel, K.; Konopkova, Z.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Liermann, H.-P.; Marquardt, H.; Tschentscher, Th. (2017): Novel platform for high-pressure static and dynamic X-ray diffraction experiments. IUCr congress, Hyderabad, 21.-28.08.17.

Marquardt, H.; Schulze, K.; Kurnosov, A.; Buchen, J.; Frost, D.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Marquardt, K.; Kawazoe, T. (2017): Understanding the Earth’s Mantle Through Advanced Elasticity Measurements. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23.-28.04.17. Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, EGU2017-12224 (invited).

Lin, F.; Merkel, S.; Hilairet, N.; Marquardt, H.; Immoor, J.*; Tomé, C.; Miyagi, L. (2016): Application of the Elasto-Viscoplastic Self Consistent (EVPSC) Code to Modeling Texture and Lattice Strain Evolution in Periclase. AGU Fall Meeting

Buchen, J.*; Kurnosov, Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T. (2016): Internally Consistent Single-Crystal Elasticity of (Mg89Fe0.11)2SiO4 Wadsleyite at High Pressures and High Temperatures. AGU Fall Meeting

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Marquardt, K.; Frost, D.J.; Liermann, H.-P.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Merkel, S.; Immoor, J.*; Buchen, J.*; Schulze, K.* (2016): Insights into the nature of Earth’s mantle from elasticity and rheology measurements at high-pressure/high-temperature. European Mineralogical Conference EMC

Buchen, J.*; Kurnosov, A.#; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T. (2016): Internally consistent high-pressure single-crystal elasticity of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 European Mineralogical Conference EMC

Schulze, K.*, Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Kurnosov, A.#; Koch-Müller, M.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2016): The effect of iron content and hydration state on the elastic moduli of single-crystal ringwoodite at high pressure. EHPRG Meeting

Buchen, J.; Kurnosov, Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T. (2016): Internally consistent high-pressure single-crystal elasticity of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 EHPRG Meeting

Immoor, J.*; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P. (2016): Deformation behaviour of ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O in a graphite heated diamond anvil cell under lower mantle conditions. EHPRG Meeting

Kurnosov, A.#; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Frost, D.J. (2016): Study of the single-crystal elasticity of Mg9Fe0.1Si0.9Al0.1O3 bridgmanite up to lower mantle pressures. EHPRG Meeting

Frost, D.J.; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran, T; Marquardt, H.; Armstrong, K.; Myhill, R. (2016): The Redox State of the Earth’s Lower Mantle. Goldschmidt Conference

Marquardt, H.; Immoor, J.*; Miyagi, L.; Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P. (2016): Experimental high-pressure/high-temperature deformation of lower mantle materials at DESY. EMPG Zürich

Schulze, K.*, Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, A.; Kurnosov, A.#; Koch-Müller, M.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2016): Direct quantification of the effect of Fe and OH on the HP/HT single-crystal elasticity of ringwoodite. EMPG Zürich

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov, A.#; Boffa Ballaran T.; Frost, D.J.; Ziberna, L.; Miyagi, L.; Liermann, H.-P.; Speziale, S.; Immoor, J.* (2016): Composition and Structure of Earth’s Lower Mantle from Elasticity and Rheology Measurements. EGU General Assembly

Buchen, J.*, Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Speziale, S.; Kawazoe, T.; Kurnosov, A.# (2016): Internally consistent high-pressure single-crystal elasticity of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 EMPG Züri

Marquardt, H.; Golabek, G.J.; Miyagi, L.; Gerya, T.V. (2015): The response of subducting slabs to a strength increase in the shallow lower mantle constrained by numerical modelling. GeoBerlin Meeting 2015

Kurnosov#, A.; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Frost, D.J. (2015): The effect of iron and aluminium incorporation on the single-crystal elasticity of bridgmanite at high pressure. GeoBerlin Meeting 2015

Buchen*, J.; Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Kurnosov#, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2015): High-pressure single-crystal elasticity of wadsleyite: Constraints on seismic anisotropy in the transition zone. GeoBerlin Meeting 2015

Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P.; Lo Nigro, G.; Marquardt, H.; Reichmann, H.J. (2015): Compression of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)2SiO4 olivine at ambient temperature to lower mantle pressures. GeoBerlin Meeting 2015

Marquardt, H.; Kurnosov*, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Marquardt, K.; Frost, D.; Buchen*, J.; Schulze*, K. (2015): Internally consistent elasticity measurements of FIB-prepared single-crystals at high-pressure and high-temperature by Brillouin spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Workshop of IUCr, Campinas, Brazil

Frost, D.; Kurnosov#, Al.; Boffa Ballaran T.; Marquardt, H.; Ziberna, L.; Chantel, J. (2015): The Influence of Iron Partitioning on Seismic Wave Velocities in the Lower Mantle. Goldschmidt Conference 2015

Kurnosov#, A.; Marquardt, H.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Frost, D.J. (2015): Single-crystal elastic properties of Mg0.88Fe0.12Si0.09Al0.11O3 – bridgmanite at high pressure. Goldschmidt Conference 2015

Schulze*, K.; Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Koch-Müller, M.; Kurnosov#, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2015): Direct quantification of the effects of iron content and hydration on the high-pressure elasticity of single-crystal ringwoodite. Goldschmidt Conference 2015

Buchen*, J.; Marquardt, H.; Kawazoe, T.; Kurnosov#, A.; Boffa Ballaran, T. (2015): Internally consistent high-pressure elasticity of single-crystal (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 wadsleyite. Goldschmidt Conference 2015

Liermann, H.-P.; Ehnes, A.; Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Singh, A.K. (2015): A new setup for remote-controlled compression/decompression radial x-ray diffraction at extreme pressures and temperatures. ESRF user meeting 2015

Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Liermann, H.-P. (2015): Studying the activity of slip systems in lower mantle minerals. 26th IUGG General Assembly

Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Merkel, S.; Tomé, C.; Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P. (2014): High-pressure/high-temperature deformation of ferropericlase in the lower mantle. AGU Fall Meeting

Lin, J.-F.; Speziale, S.; Mao, Z.; Marquardt, H. (2013): Iron Partitioning and Elasticity across the Spin Transitions of Iron in the Lower Mantle. AGU Fall Meeting

Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L. (2013): Strength of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase in Earth’s lower mantle. AGU Fall Meeting

Miyagi, L.; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P. (2013): Radial x-ray diffraction at the Extreme Conditions Beamline of PETRA III: In-situ texture analysis of a mixture of perovskite and ferropericlase to 1100 K and 40 GPa. AGU Fall Meeting

Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Reinhard, F.; Liermann, H.-P. (2013): Approaches to constrain single-crystal elastic properties from Brillouin scattering of polycrystalline samples. AGU Fall Meeting

Mookherjee, M.; Speziale, S.; Marquardt, H.; Jahn, S.; Wunder, B.; Koch-Müller, M.; Liermann, H.-P. (2013): Elasticity and thermodynamics of the 3.65 Â phase in subduction zone settings. AGU Fall meeting

Marquardt, K.; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Koch-Müller, M.; Capitani, G.C. (2013): High-pressure Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy of a natural antigorite single-crystal. AGU Fall Meeting

Speziale, S.; Liermann, H.-P.; Marquardt, H. (2013): HP/HT Radial X-ray Diffraction and Brillouin Scattering Capabilities at the Extreme Condition Beamline of PETRA III. Workshop of IUCr

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Gleason, A.; Sinogeikin, S.; Kantor, I.; Prakapenka, V. (2013): Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Solid Argon to 65 GPa and 700 K: Shear Strength of Argon. Workshop of IUCr

Marquardt, H.; Miyagi, L.; Lee, K.K.M. (2013): Strength and Texture of (Mg,Fe)O Ferropericlase in Earth’s Lower Mantle. DMG Annual Meeting

Lin, J.-F.; Speziale, S.; Mao, Z.; Marquardt, H. (2012): Electronic spin transitions of iron in the lower-mantle: potential implications to deep-mantle geophysics and geochemistry. AGU Fall Meeting

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Koch-Müller, M.; Marquardt, K.; Capitani, G.; Jahn, S.; Wilke, M. (2012): High-pressure Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy of a natural antigorite single-crystal. European Mineralogical Conference

Marquardt, H.; Morales, L. F. G. (2012): Ferropericlase layering as potential cause for seismic anisotropy in Earth’s lower mantle? European Mineralogical Conference

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Gleason, A.; Sinogeikin, S.; Kantor, I.; Prakapenka, V. (2011): Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Argon to 65 GPa and 800 K, AGU Fall Meeting

Speziale, S.; Wunder, B.; Reichmann, H.R.; Marquardt, H.; Jahn, S.; Koch-Müller, M.; Liermann, H.-P. (2011): Static compression of the 3.65 Å phase of MgSi(OH)6 to 45 GPa. AGU Fall Meeting

Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Marquardt, K.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Neusser, G.; Jeanloz, R. (2011): Elastic properties of deep Earth materials by Brillouin scattering of polycrystalline materials at high pressures: The role of grain size and of texturing in MgO. CECAM-Workshop.

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Gleason, A.; Sinogeikin, S.; Kantor, I.; Prakapenka, V. (2011): The elastic properties and the equation of state of argon at high pressures and temperatures by simultaneous Brillouin scattering and X-ray diffraction, ThermoDynaMix III Workshop.

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H.J.; Liermann, H.-P. (2011): Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction of Nano-crystalline MgO Powder to 65 GPa. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3): 1407

Marquardt, K.; Marquardt, H. (2011): Focused Ion Beam Cutting of Large Samples for Brillouin Spectroscopy. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3): 1407

Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Marquardt, K.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Neusser, G.; Wenk, H.-R.; Jeanloz, R. (2011): Elastic Properties of Nano-crystalline MgO to High Pressures by Brillouin Scattering. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3): 1406

Marquardt, H.; Marquardt, K.; Speziale, S. (2011): Ion Cutting of Large Samples for Brillouin Scattering: Elastic Anisotropy of Antigorite at High-Pressures. EGU General Assembly

Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Marquardt, K.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Neusser, G.; Jeanloz, R. (2011): Elastic Properties of Nano-crystalline MgO Powder to High Pressures by Brillouin Light Scattering. EGU General Assembly

Speziale, S., Marquardt, H., Wirth, R., Schreiber, A., Marquardt, K., Neusser, G., Reichmann, H.J. (2010): Combining Focused Ion Beam and Electron Microscopy to Prepare and Analyze Starting and Recovered Materials of High Pressure and Temperature Diamond-Anvil Cell Experiments. AGU Fall Meeting.

Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Chen, B.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Jeanloz, R. (2010): Brillouin Scattering and Radial X-ray Diffraction of Polycrystalline MgO to 30GPa. EMPG XIII

Marquardt, H.; Gleason, A.; Chen, B.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Jeanloz, R. (2010): Brillouin Scattering and Radial X-ray Diffraction of Polycrystalline MgO to 30GPa. EGU General Assembly

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R. (2009): Elastic Properties of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)O in Earth’s Lower Mantle. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI23A-1674

Cammarano, F.; Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Tackley, P. (2009): A Broad Thermochemical Transition in the Lower Mantle? Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract DI21B-07

Gleason, A.; Marquardt, H.; Chen, B.; Speziale, S.; Miyagi, L.; Jeanloz, R. (2009): Brillouin Scattering and Preferred Orientation of Polycrystalline MgO at High-pressure. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR33A-1668

Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J., Marquardt, H.; Shim, S.-H. (2009): Elasticity of MgSiO3 Glass to Pressures of the Transition Zone. EGU General Assembly

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R. (2008): Elastic Shear Anisotropy of Ferropericlase in Earth’s Lower Mantle: Implications for the D’’ Layer, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR43B-05

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R. (2008): Elastic Anisotropy of Ferropericlase in Earth’s Lower Mantle. DMG Annual Meeting

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R. (2008): Single-Crystal Brillouin Scattering of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)O to Lower Mantle Pressures, EMPG XII

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H.-J.; Schilling, F. R. (2007): Brillouin Spectroscopy at GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam: Applications in Geoscience and Materials Science, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR43C-1521

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Schilling, F. R. (2007): Interrelation Between Elastic Properties Determined by Brillouin Spectroscopy and Thermal Transport Properties of Garnets, Frontiers in Mineral Sciences, 26-28 June, Cambridge (UK), 190-191

Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Schilling, F. R. (2007): Interrelation Between Elastic Properties Determined by Brillouin Spectroscopy and Thermal Transport Properties of Garnets, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract MR44A-04

Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H.-J.; Marquardt, H.; Schilling, F. R. (2007): A new Brillouin Spectroscopy Laboratory for the Study of Minerals at High Pressure and Temperature, EGU General Assembly, 15-20 April, Vienna (Austria)

Marquardt, H.; Schilling, F. R. (2006): A Systematic Study on the Thermal Transport Properties of Natural and Synthetic Garnets, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR21A-0012

Marquardt, H.; Schilling, F. R. (2006): Thermal Transport Properties of Synthetic and Natural Garnets from 300-1000K, Eur. J. Mineral. 18, Beih. 1, 89

Marquardt, H.; Schilling, F. R.; Gratz, K. (2005): Thermal Diffusivity of Garnets as a Function of Temperature, Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1, 87