Hauke presented some of the group’s most recent work on time-resolved x-ray diffraction measurements in the dynamically driven diamond-anvil cell at the user workshop at Diamond Light Source. The talk was entitled „Bulk modulus softening in (Mg,Fe)O across the iron spin change measured in a dynamic DAC“ and largely focused on work done by PhD student Alba San José Mendèz.
Archiv des Autors: HM
Discussion evening: „High-Profile Journals: Impact on Scientists and Science“
Together with the working group „Wissenschaftssteuerung durch High-Profile Journale“ at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, we organized a disussion evening on „High-Profile Journals: Impact on Scientists and Science“ in Munich.The introductory talks by Prof. Dr. Andrea Abele-Brehm (Senior Fellow of Psychology at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Prof. Davide Cantoni (Professor of Economics at LMU München) triggered a controversial discussion about the importance of high-profile journals and their impact on career paths as well as the advancement of science. The event took place in the evening of January 10th and was attended by students and researchers covering a wide range of research fields and career stages, illustrating the perceived huge influence of high-profile journals on research. More details (in German) can be found here.
Hauke presented his Habilitation Talk at BGI Bayreuth
Hauke presented a talk – in German – on „Neues aus dem unteren Erdmantel: Wie die Forschung under Verständnis der tiefen Erde revolutioniert“ and thereby succesfully finished his Habilitation procedure at the University of Bayreuth. Congratulations (to myself).
Hauke is invited to present the group’s work at UCL
Hauke was visiting University College London Today to present the work of the GeoMaX group in the UCL Earth Science Departmental Seminar Series. The presentation entitled „Experimental Exploration of Earth’s Mantle“ was attended and well-received by a diverse audience including many undergraduate students.
Presentation of group’s work to the technical staff at Oxford
As part of a seminar series organized at the Earth Science Department in Oxford, Hauke presented the group`s work to the technical and administrative staff at the Department. This was a great opportunity for both sides to get to know each other and build the basis for future interactions.
Johannes Buchen succesfully defended his PhD thesis – Congratulations!
Johannes has presented his PhD work today in a talk entitled „The Elastic Properties of Wadsleyite and Stishovite at High Pressures – Tracing Deep Earth Material Cycles“. He succesfully defended his work in the discussion following the presentation. Congratulations!
Kirsten Schulze succesfully defended her PhD thesis – Congratulations!
Kirsten has presented her PhD work to the Department in a talk entitled „Hydration in the Transition Zone – Elasticity of Ringwoodite and Phase Egg“. She has succesfully defended her work in the discussions afterwards. Congratulations!!
Invited Talk at Gordon Conference
Hauke was invited to present the groups work in a talk entitled „The Deep Earth’s Interior: From Static to Dynamic High-Pressure Experiments“ at the Gordon Conference on High Pressure that was held at Holderness School this week.
Work highlighted by DESY
Our recently published work on „Elastic softening of (Mg0.8Fe0.2)O ferropericlase across the iron spin crossover measured at seismic frequencies“ has been presented in „News & Highlights“ by DESY. The press release can be found here.
New work in Geophysical Research Letters
Geophysical Research Letters just accepted our work entitled „Elastic Softeninf of (Mg0.8Fe0.2)O ferropericlase across the iron spin crossover measured at seismic frequencies“. The manuscript can be found here.